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A lonely Queen and her many suitors… A son in search of his father… A husband’s ten-year journey home…
As restrictions ease and the world begins to open up again, we wonder what this classic story of a hero’s return journey could teach us about ourselves and our lives (as well as the lives of our clients). Using drama, embodiment and script work we hope participants will emerge from the workshop with a better understanding of the story and ideas of how they could explore its themes and characters with clients. Within the powerful metaphor of a journey, we're encouraged to take stock and explore our own experiences in order to help make sense of ourselves and the world. 
This exploratory workshop will be led by Harriet Garbas and Holly McCulloch, dramatherapists and curious adventurers of this Greek Myth.

"Early human beings the world over wondered at the sources of power that fuelled volcanoes, thunderstorms, tidal waves and earthquakes. They celebrated and venerated the rhythm of the seasons, the procession of heavenly bodies in the night sky and the daily miracle of the sunrise. They questioned how it might all have started. The collective unconscious of many civilizations has told stories of angry gods, dying and renewing gods, fertility goddesses, deities, demons and spirits of fire, earth and water."
Fry, Stephen (2017-11-01T22:58:59). Mythos (Stephen Fry’s Greek Myths) . Penguin Books Ltd. Kindle Edition. 

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